Nexter Blocks

32 Builder


We have picked the most essential and creative blocks for all Gutenberg users by doing lots of research and from lots of feedback from Gutenberg Users. We have blocks with great options and styles. We are still working to find more blocks to work on.

12 Layouts

Blog & CPT

Its sleek design and advanced search functionality have streamlined the property search process for my clients, boosting conversions.

Blog Builder

Post Author

Post Comments

Post Meta

Post Navigation

Post Content

Post Title

Post Image

Coming Soon


Its sleek design and advanced search functionality have streamlined the property search process for my clients, boosting conversions.

14 Layouts

Header & Mega Menu

Its sleek design and advanced search functionality have streamlined the property search process for my clients, boosting conversions.

Navigation Menu

Header Builder

Site Logo

Navigation Menu

Mobile Menu

Header Effects

8+ Sticky Header Scrolling Effects

Header Menu Logo on Hover

Transparent Sticky Header Effect

Nested Sticky Header Effects

Sticky Header with Color Change on Scroll

Sticky Fixed Header

Change Header Content on Scroll

Hide Header on Scroll Down

Change Header Height on Scroll

Mega Menu

Mega Menu

Horizontal Mega Menu

Vertical Toggle Sidemenu Mega Menu

Vertical Mega Menu for WordPress

Coming Soon

Grid, Filters & Search

Its sleek design and advanced search functionality have streamlined the property search process for my clients, boosting conversions.

Custom Post Listing

Taxonomy Listing

Ajax Live Search Bar