How to Add Star Rating in WooCommerce Product in WordPress?

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Online reviews and ratings play a crucial role in influencing consumer behavior. As an online business owner, incorporating a rating system on your WooCommerce product pages can provide valuable insights into your customers’ feedback and help boost sales.

With the Product Listing block from The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg, you can easily show star ratings on your products.  

To check the complete feature overview documentation of The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg Product Listing block, click here.

Requirement  – This block is a part of The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg, make sure its installed & activated to enjoy all its powers.

To do this, make sure you’ve added some products to your WooCommerce store, then follow the steps – 

1. Add the Product Listing block on the page, then select the appropriate listing type, style and layout.

2. Then go to the Extra Options tab, and turn on the Display Rating toggle.

product listing display rating
How to Add Star Rating in WooCommerce Product in WordPress? 3

If your products have any ratings, you should be able to see them on your products.

product listing display rating demo
How to Add Star Rating in WooCommerce Product in WordPress? 4

Also, check How to Hide Add to Cart Button in WooCommerce in WordPress.

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