Sometimes, you may want to hide the date on your WordPress blog posts. Perhaps you have content that you want to remain evergreen and not be tied to a specific date, or maybe you want to create a more timeless feel for your website. Whatever your reasons may be, hiding the blog post date can be a great option for some website owners.
With the Post Listing block from the Nexter Blocks, you can easily hide the post date from your blog post listing.
To check the complete feature overview documentation of the Nexter Blocks Post Listing block, click here.
Requirement – This block is a part of the Nexter Blocks, make sure its installed & activated to enjoy all its powers.
To do this, add the Post Listing block on the page, and select the appropriate listing type, post type, style and layout.
Then go to the Show Post Meta option under the Extra Options tab.
Note: Turn on the Show Post Meta toggle if it is turned off.
Then you’ll see different post meta related options, turn off the Show Date toggle.

This will hide the post date from the post listing.
Also, learn How to Hide Author Name in Blog Posts in WordPress.