How to Create Footer Template in WordPress for Free?

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Are you looking to create a custom footer template for your WordPress website? The footer is the bottom section of a website that contains important information such as copyright notices, contact information, and links to other pages. Creating a custom footer template can greatly enhance the visual appeal and functionality of your WordPress website.

Requirement  – This is a feature of Nexter theme and Nexter Extension (Free) plugin, make sure its installed & activated to enjoy all its powers.

Creating a custom footer template in WordPress may seem like a daunting task, but with the Nexter Builder, you can easily create a custom footer template without any coding knowledge.

To create a footer template using the Nexter Builder, from the Dashboard, go to Nexter Builder > Add New.

On the next page, give a name to your template.

Now scroll down to the Nexter Builder section, from the Layout, select Sections, and from Sections options, select Footer.

nexter builder footer options

From the Footer Style dropdown, you can select the footer style. Here you’ll find three options – 

Normal – This is to create a normal footer.

Fixed – This will make the footer fixed at the bottom of the window and will always be visible. 

Smart – With this option, you can add a unique style to your footer. When a user scrolls down to the footer, the page container will shrink slightly with animation, and the footer will slightly overlap the page container. You can also add a background color when the page shrinks. 

Select the footer style that fits your needs.

Now from the Display Rules section, you have to set where this footer will show or won’t show. Here you’ll find two sections – 

Include In – Whichever location you select here, the template will be visible only there.

Exclude From – Whichever location you select here, the template will not show there.

In both sections, you will find the same location options that are available in the header template.

Once you set the appropriate display rule for your template, publish the template. 

After that, you can use WordPress blocks or Elementor to create the actual content and layout of the template. To enhance your design process, you can use The Plus Addons for Block Editor blocks for WordPress block editor or The Plus Addons for Elementor widgets for Elementor. These addons provide you with additional options and pre-built elements to make your design process quicker and more efficient.

Edit Footer Copyright Text

You can’t edit the default copyright text of the Nexter theme. If you want to edit the footer copyright text in the Nexter theme, you have to use a shortcode in the footer template.

For this, you have to create a footer template as mentioned above.

Then add the following shortcode.

edit footer copyright
Here, [nxt-copyright] is for the copyright symbol, [nxt-year] is for the current year. You can also use [nxt-year format='d-m-Y'] to show the current date.

Note: You can further customize the copyright text by adding custom text in between the shortcodes.

Also, check How to Create Header Template in WordPress for Free.