How to Add an Image Scroll Sequence in WordPress?

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Image scroll sequence allows you to create a dynamic storytelling experience, where a series of images transitions seamlessly as users scroll down the page. This interactive feature not only captivates visitors but also encourages them to explore your website further, thereby improving user engagement and retention.

With the Scroll Sequence block from Nexter Blocks, you easily create amazing image scrolling animations on your WordPress website.

Required Setup

  • Make sure the default WordPress Block editor is active. 
  • You need to have the Nexter Blocks plugin installed and activated.
  • This is a Premium block, and you need the PRO version of Nexter Blocks.
  • Make sure the Scroll Sequence block is activated, to verify this visit Nexter Blocks → Blocks → and Search for Scroll Sequence and activate.

How to activate the Scroll Sequence Block?

Go to 

  • Nexter Blocks Blocks 
  • Search the block name and turn on the toggle then click Save Settings.

scroll sequence activation

Key Features

  • Multiple places to add scroll sequence – You can apply scroll sequence to multiple places, Body, Container, Inner Container and None. 
  • Multiple image sources – You can create image sequence animation from an image gallery or an external URL.

How to Use the Scroll Sequence Block?

Add the Scroll Sequence block to the page.

Note: To make the Scroll Sequence block work, ensure there’s enough content on the page for users to scroll.

Scroll Sequence

In the Media Type section, keep Image selected. 

Then, in the Upload Type section, you can choose the image source for the sequence animation. Here you’ll find two options – 

scroll sequence content

Select the option as per your requirements. Let’s select Gallery here. 

Then, from the Image Upload section, you have to add images from the media library.

Note: Supported image type – JPG, PNG and WebP.

By enabling the Reverse Order toggle, you can reverse the sequence.

In the Apply To section, you have to choose where you want to add the scroll sequence animation. Here you’ll find four options –

Select the option as per your requirements, let’s select None here.

Extra Option

From the Preload Image (%) section, you can choose the number of images to load at first from your image sequence, and then the rest of the images will load.

scroll sequence extra option

You can decide the number based on your image sequence so that it doesn’t increase the load time.

Now you should have a beautiful image scrolling sequence animation.

scroll sequence extra option demo

How to Style the Scroll Sequence Block?

To style the Scroll Sequence block, you’ll find all the options in the Style tab. 

Position – From here you can move the Scroll Sequence from top and left.

scroll sequence style

Alignment – You’ll see this option only when you select None from Apply To in the Layout tab. From here you can align the image sequence on the page.

Width – From here, you can set a width for the Scroll Sequence, by default, it is 100%.

Height – From here, you can set a height for the Scroll Sequence.

Z-index – From here, you can set a z-index value for the Scroll Sequence.

Start Offset (px) – The value set here will delay the start of the sequence by equivalent pixels. For example, if the Start Offset (px) is set to 500, then the animation will start once the user scrolls down by 500px.

End Offset (px) – The value set here will end the sequence before equivalent pixels. For example, if the End Offset (px) is set to 500, then the animation will end 500px before the section ends.

Advanced – This is our global extension available for all our blocks. From here you can add a custom CSS class in the Additional CSS class(es) field. If you know CSS you can use this class to further finetune the style by using your own custom CSS.

Advanced options remain common for all our blocks, you can explore all it options from here.

View Advanced tab tutorial.

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