Will loading so many block code slow down my website, as I plan to use only 1 feature?

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The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg has over 85+ blocks that you can use to create amazing WordPress websites. But if you are thinking loading so many blocks could slow down your website?

The answer is No! 

The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg is built in such a way that no extra code is loaded until the block is used, as we have kept everything modular and CSS and JS loads only on demand.

To make the user experience cluttered free, we have given an unused block scanner.

To use this, go to The Plus Settings > Plus Blocks.

Click on the Scan Unused Blocks button.

It will show all the unused widgets, just click on the Disable Unused Blocks button to disable all unused widgets. 

Then click on the Save button.

disable unused blocks
Will loading so many block code slow down my website, as I plan to use only 1 feature? 2

We also use a smart optimised method to optimise the performance of our widgets. In this method, all the used widgets’ CSS and JS files will be combined into two separate CSS and JS files. So it will load two files only.

Why You Should Use The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg instead of Individual WordPress Plugins? 

  • At The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg we continuously improve and add new features to our suite. If you want to add any feature that is already available with our plugin you can simply enable it from the block section and use it on your site. This way, you can save money by not buying an additional plugin for that particular feature.
  • If you use different blocks from the same group of developers, you can be assured of having the same coding standard without any conflict issues. Whereas if you use multiple third party plugins, all will have different coding standards and could conflict with each other.   
  • The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg has 85+ amazing blocks that can help you in creating complex WordPres websites without any coding.

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