Do you want to add a follow circle cursor in WordPress? This type of cursor allows a circle to follow the mouse movements, creating a visually engaging and creative touch that enhances the interactivity of your website.
With the Mouse Cursor block from Nexter Blocks, you can easily add a circle that follows the mouse cursor on your WordPress website.
To check the complete feature overview documentation of the Nexter Blocks Mouse Cursor block, click here.
Requirement – This block is a part of the Nexter Blocks, make sure it’s installed & activated to enjoy all its powers.
To do this, add the Mouse Cursor block to the page and follow the steps –
1. Select the appropriate cursor area from the Cursor Area dropdown.

2. Then select Follow Circle from the Type dropdown.
3. From the Circle Cursor Type section, you have to select the pointer type. Here you’ll find two options –
- Predefined – To add predefined icons.
- Custom – To use a custom image as a mouse cursor.
You’ll find different options to add the cursor based on your selection. Let’s select Predefined here.
4. Then, from the Select dropdown, you have to select a cursor icon.
5. After that, from the Circle Style section, you have to select the circle type. Here you’ll find three options –
- Border – To create a circle cursor with a border.
- Progress – To create a progress circle cursor.
- Blend – To create a blend circle cursor.
Select the option as per your requirements, let’s select Border here.
From the Circle Max Width and Circle Max Height sections, you can manage the width and height of the circle.
You can manage the circle’s left and top distance from the mouse cursor from the Cursor Left Offset and Cursor Top Offset sections.
From the Circle Z-Index section, you can maintain the z-index of the circle, if the circle doesn’t show over any element.
Then, in the List of Tags for Hover Effect section, you can add tags where you want to show the cursor hover effect.
Note: You can add multiple tags separated by a comma (,) and you have to add transform CSS for the hover effect in the Style tab.
You can style the circle further from the Style tab.
Now you’ll see a circle following the mouse cursor.