How to Send Email to Mailchimp on WordPress User Registration? (Part 7/10) [Video Tutorial]

Table of Contents
Video Duration: 10 : 12

Video Overview

In this video tutorial, you will learn how to send email to Mailchimp whenever a user registers on your WordPress website using the Login Form Block from The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg. By integrating Mailchimp with your WordPress website, you can keep your email list updated with new subscribers automatically.


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First, you’ll need to have a Mailchimp account and a list created to store your subscribers. Then, you’ll need to install and activate the Login Form Block from The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg plugin on your WordPress website.

Next, you’ll need to connect your Mailchimp account with the plugin by entering your Mailchimp API key and list ID in the plugin’s settings. Once that’s done, you can create a new login form using the Login Form Block and add the Mailchimp email field to the form.

Finally, you’ll need to configure the Mailchimp email settings for the login form by mapping the email field to the corresponding field in your Mailchimp list. This will ensure that the email addresses entered by users on your login form are automatically added to your Mailchimp list.

That’s it! Now whenever a user registers on your WordPress website using the Login Form Block from The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg, their email address will be automatically added to your Mailchimp list.

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