How to connect a Carousel with Accordion in WordPress?

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One of the advantages of using The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg blocks, is that you can interconnect them via a connection id. Let’s see how you can connect your accordion with the Carousel Anything block.

To check the complete feature overview documentation of The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg Accordion block, click here.

Requirement  – This block is a part of The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg, make sure its installed & activated to enjoy all its powers.

To do so, add both Carousel Anything and Accordion block on the page, then follow the steps.

1. Add the content to the Carousel Anything slide using the reusable block.

carousel anything content add
How to connect a Carousel with Accordion in WordPress? 5

2. The number of slides in the Carousel Anything block should be equal to the number of Accordion items.

3. Next, in the Carousel Anything block, go to Connections > Unique Carousel ID and add an id.

carousel anything id
How to connect a Carousel with Accordion in WordPress? 6

4. The last step to make the connection, go to the Accordion block Extra Options > Carousel Connection Id and add the same id.

accordion unique id
How to connect a Carousel with Accordion in WordPress? 7

With that, you have established a connection between your Accordion block and the Carousel Anything block. Now, whenever you change your Accordion item, the slider will change too.

carousel  anything accordion preview
How to connect a Carousel with Accordion in WordPress? 8

Also check, How to set close or open specific Accordion Item in WordPress.

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