7 Examples of Contact Us Page for Website [+ How to Make it]

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If your business has a website, a well-designed Contact Us page for your website is a must-have.

It is one of the most valuable aspects of your website – it not only makes your contact information accessible for your visitors to get in touch with you but is a great tool for capturing leads and turning your visitors into customers.

The Contact Us page for your website should be designed to reflect your brand’s personality and include several components such as contact numbers, email addresses, business location, and links to your social media channels.

Looking for some inspiration for your Contact Us web design? In this article, we’ll look at the key components of designing a Contact Us page and explore the 7 best contact page examples you can take inspiration from.

Table of Contents
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    Why Does Your Website Need a Contact Us Page?

    The Contact Us page is a valuable addition to your website that provides your website visitors a place where they can find all your contact information easily.

    It helps potential customers get in touch with you regarding their queries, feedback, or complaints and is an excellent way to demonstrate your commitment to customer service.

    Contact Us Page - 7 Examples of Contact Us Page for Website [+ How to Make it]

    An example of a Contact Us page

    A Contact Us page also improves your business authority on Google Search and credibility among customers as they know they can contact the business easily whenever needed.

    In short, your website’s Contact Us page is an indispensable tool for generating leads, building customer loyalty, and offering an overall improved user experience.

    Important Elements to Include on Your Contact Us Page

    A Contact Us website page design should be simple, clear, easy to access, and include accurate CTAs to be effective in drawing in visitors.

    Here are the various elements you must include in your Contact Us page-

    • Contact Form: A contact form is useful for generating leads and the easiest way for your website visitors to reach you. The contact form typically collects information such as name, email address, contact number (optional), and a message box to share common questions, complaints, or feedback.
    • Direct Contact Information: Your visitors might prefer talking directly with your business instead of writing. Include phone numbers where the visitors can contact your customer representatives.
    • Business Hours: It can be useful to add business hours when you’re available for contact so that the customer knows when they can get in touch with you.
    • Social Media Links: If you have a presence on various social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook, including these social links is a good way to boost your audience. For this element, you can use Social Network Icons by Nexter Blocks which has more than 15 unique icon styles.
    • Map and Directions: If you have a physical location, you can include the address with a Google Map to allow the website users to find and visit your business location easily. 
    • Privacy Notice: A privacy notice states the purpose of collecting people’s personal information, what you plan on doing with it, how long you will keep it, and if you’ll be sharing it with a third party. It is an important component of the Contact Us page as it brings transparency and allows customers to decide if they want to share their information based on your privacy policy.

    Examples of Contact Us Page

    Now let’s dive into the best Contact Us page examples to inspire your web page design-

    1. Impact

    Impact - 7 Examples of Contact Us Page for Website [+ How to Make it]

    Impact has a minimal and clean Contact Us page that leads visits through a 3-step process to reserve a meeting with them.

    It has a comprehensive contact form with a clear CTA to book a coaching session with the Chief Customer Officer and a video message offering visitors an insight into what they can gain with a 30-minute coaching session.

    Another thing that works here is the FAQ section, which aims to tackle customer queries easily.

    2. Notion

    Notion 2 - 7 Examples of Contact Us Page for Website [+ How to Make it]

    Notion’s Contact Us website page design includes a contact form to get in touch with the sales team and a help section urging the visitors to email the team or join their community.

    While the contact form is lengthy, it works well in allowing the sales team to gather all the key information they need before contacting a potential customer.

    3. Yeti

    Yeti - 7 Examples of Contact Us Page for Website [+ How to Make it]

    Yeti deals in high-quality coolers and drinkware for the outdoors. Its Contact Us page follows this branding through nature photography. It has a detailed Contact Us page with a focused layout to help visitors find the answers to their queries quickly.

    The Help topics are well-organized, followed by direct contact information for the customer service team and the contact team.

    This well-defined distinction makes it easy for website visitors to contact the right person based on their needs. The clear CTAs with a minimal web page design work well.

    4. Pixpa

    Pixpa - 7 Examples of Contact Us Page for Website [+ How to Make it]

    A Contact Us page is a great opportunity to add a CTA to encourage specific action from your visitors, and Pixpa proves that.

    While a Contact Us page for a website is to help people get in touch with a business, there will always be visitors who don’t want to fill out the contact form just yet.

    Here, you can offer them something else of value to encourage them to engage more with your business, say by watching a video or booking a product demo.

    Pixpa has a simple Contact Us page with a contact form, along with a clear CTA at the top to book a free product trial.

    This allows them to test the product even before they’re ready to contact the business, enhancing the overall experience.

    5. JetBlue

    JetBlue - 7 Examples of Contact Us Page for Website [+ How to Make it]

    JetBlue’s Contact Us webpage offers an informative user experience as it features direct links to popular help topics, allowing visitors to get the information they need.

    It has a clean, well-organized structure with various contact options available for the customer in case they want to get in touch with the business directly.

    You can chat with the customer team through the website, mobile app, or WhatsApp, give them a call, or share your feedback directly. They also have the social links at the bottom of the page.

    All in all, it is an easy-to-navigate webpage from which you can take inspiration.

    6. Plesk

    Plesk - 7 Examples of Contact Us Page for Website [+ How to Make it]

    The next example of a contact page web design is Plesk, which has one of the most well-structured Contact Us pages for visitors. The page follows a customer-centric approach, with the content focused on answering their queries.

    If the user cannot find the information they are looking for, it offers a detailed contact form to submit different types of queries to the business.

    7. Slack

    Slack 1 - 7 Examples of Contact Us Page for Website [+ How to Make it]

    Slack is another example of a customer-centric Contact Us website page, which includes help topics in its small contact form. The design of the page is neat and attractive, with a clear structure.

    Customers can choose the topic they want help with and get answers through detailed FAQs and related articles.

    But if they’re looking for direct contact with the team, they can add their email address and explain their query in the message box to get help from Slack’s team.

    This makes it easier for website visitors to get answers to their queries and improves their overall interaction with the business.

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      Wrapping Up

      No matter what business or industry you’re in, a Contact Us webpage is an important element of your website in engaging and interacting with customers.

      A customer-centric Contact Us page will help you make your business more accessible to visitors, get their queries and feedback, and generate leads through an enhanced website experience.

      The best Contact Us page for websites features a simple and user-friendly design to allow website visitors to navigate through the information easily.

      It must have all the necessary information, such as your business contact, social links, and location map, along with contact forms and FAQs to offer visitors all the information they need.

      If you’re ready to design your own Contact Us page by incorporating inspiration from the best Contact Us page examples, use Nexter Blocks by POSIMYTH Innovations.

      Nexter Blocks is an all-in-one plugin for Gutenberg that offers access to 90+ Gutenberg blocks to enhance your website’s design, functionality, and features.

      The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg 1 - 7 Examples of Contact Us Page for Website [+ How to Make it]

      Check out the 90+ Blocks Library from Nexter Blocks

      FAQs About Contact Us Page

      Why is a Contact Us page important?

      A Contact Us page is important to offer visitors a way to contact the business, ask questions, share feedback, and request assistance. It can significantly help businesses connect with visitors and boost their business credibility.

      How does the Contact Us form work?

      The Contact Us form is a simple way to allow website visitors to connect with the business and get answers to their queries. It includes essential fields like name, contact number, email address, and message box to be filled by the user.

      What should you write on the Contact Us page?

      Your Contact Us page should include the business’ direct contact details, a contact form, business preference for customer contact (call, email, or contact form), a branding message, CTA, and links to your social media profiles.

      Can I get notifications when someone contacts me through my form?

      Yes, you can get notifications when someone contacts your business through the form. Most WordPress plugins make it easy to design and embed interactive contact forms and get instant notifications whenever someone contacts you.

      What is the best way to style my contact form?

      You can use a WordPress contact form plugin to create stunning contact forms and customize the fields, design, colors, CTA, buttons, and more to align them with your business branding.

      What fields should you include on your contact form?

      Your contact form can include key fields such as name, email address, phone number, query type, subject/topic (optional), and message box.

      Is a Contact Form widget suitable for my website builder or CMS?

      Yes, a reliable contact form widget will be suitable for most content marketing systems and website builders. You can use such responsive tools to design customized contact forms for your Contact Us page.